Yay! so craft night was super fantastic. we made these cute little books. I'm going to write some cute stuff in mine and send it to my pseudo niece in NC. I am on a mission to collect serendipity books for her and send her a few every so often. They rock. RattFinkPink may be able to hook me up with some too. She and I has pseudotentative kinda sorta plans to go thrift shopping some time. That will be so cool. Maybe we can get others to join us on our excursion. I was hoping to kinda plan this outing thing around denver, where we just go find stuff. Maybe in between the cool kid club meetings we can fit it in somwhere. So, heres the deal. I'm about half done with the blueprints so to speak for the light bright coffee table. I just need to know if Bramby is down with starting it within the next few craft nights, and has the room to keep it in its unfinished state for a week or two before its done. However, I like getting things done as fast as possible, although correctly, so It shouldn't take more than a nights work if we have all the materials. I have this big piece of glass that I found that I was going to use for a random coffee table, but since there seems to be an interest in a light bright table I could use it for that. So see, we're already started. Oh, since I haven't said it yet, everyone was so cool last night, I enjoyed meeting everyone and hope to see you soon. I saw the squirrel who bit me yesterday. Next time I see her I'll give her a walnut again, just not from my hand. I should get a thimble or two to give out walnuts from now on. Time to get back to experiments, things seem to be working alright now.
I'm so glad you had fun at craft night!
I'd would like to go Thrifting too, I need a kitchen table and something to put my microwave on
Rockzombie says your not in the que so go apply for SGCO again so he can let you in