and guess who didnt sleep?! guess whose really tired. guess whoes really excited still?! yup me. 17 days
thats right 17 days not 20 as previously reporte. woi whoop whoop and my plannerings are going to plan
my mum has swine flu, or has atleast been quarentined with suspected swine flu. and my dad is trying to convince her and me that taking up smoking will speed up her recovery. he is very concerned.
i can honestly say that right now im not plesant to be around. iam really bloody angry. fortunately there isnt anyone around for me to take this out on.
so i booked my tattoo. whoop whoop. 3pm on friday the 10th of july there will be pain lots and lots of pain. or at least so im expecting. gonna do the first sitting for the ribcage. and im really psyched up. so thats gonna be the first of 4 or 5 sittings. yay!!!!!
i used to be comander and chief of my pimp ship flying high!!!! lol lol love'n it lol.
btw for those who are interested im one step closer to my set gettin shot. we have a fairly awsome idea (well i think so anyway) and its coming to reality. whoop whoop
my sister is moving home!!! im actually really happy about this. were not the closest and i feel that her living in germany has actually helped this. im kinda glad. i have missed her.