No, i have never wondered that. but now i will be up all night thinking. thankx. biggrin wink
so tell me, how am i suposed to smile every day, when i just want the people talking to me to shut up?

how does all that grey matter stay in your head when you are an idiot?

there are 11 types of people in this world. Those that know binary, those that don't and those that will ask me to explain this bad joke...
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Hahahaha, you know my darling Natalie! what a small world.

And yeah, i get the do you work here thing too. It sucks. No, Ma'am i just had to organize this rack of dvd's, OCD's are a bitch. And I love Suncoast so much that i wear this lanyard to support them.

Oh, thanks for the condom. I knew that wasnt one of mine! biggrin
well, next time you come in I will show you it in person. Hows that for customer service.!!!!!!! biggrin
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#full_msg a, a:hover { color: #F89221; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Geneva, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; }
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#photo { border: 1px black...
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w00t! i'm a traitor. thank you xposingxpinupx! haha! buy a card, make the company some is working for some money and become more of a return customer, and get chastized. i l(_)v my j0b.

I thought you might enjoy this

Seeing how you are one. tongue biggrin
w00t w00t! it doesn't do HTML links..... interesting. oink oink oink oink
YetiCommander (2:50:43 PM): i want you.... on my
couch when i get home tonight.
YetiCommander (2:51:18 PM): i want you.... to walk
into my bathroom in the morning while i'm shaving and
put your arms around me and your chin on my shoulder,
and smile at me in the mirror.
YetiCommander (2:52:08 PM): i want you.... to say
"ok" with the excited anticipation, like you...
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wow! i wonder if this will work. if not oh well.

so i'm sitting in a lovely blue forest this morning
when i realized the concrete jungle is not were i
wanna be. but low and behold, someone has the be the
bread winner for this tribe of one. some times, i
feel as though its not worth it. any of it. money,
cars, home....
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I'm drunk

Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer http://www.cingular.com

Yeah thanks for coming in even thought you didnt buy a Replay card. tongue. It was nice to meet you to. I cant believe you noticed the lip biting thing. its a wicked bad habit.
hmm...don't think i ever seen you in the mall confused but i got a wicked bad memory