I went down stairs to do my laundry. My neighbor who live beneath me has a dog that won't stop barking and charges everybody.
Now..I am a dog owner. So I tend to let dogs get away with barking all the time. Hell its a dog right.
Here's the problem. The dog continues to bark and bark and the dickhead is home. He NEVER tries to cease the barking. NEVER.
So I just turn my volume up stomp around a bit whatever.
Here's the real story.
As I said I went downstairs to do laundry. The dog is out taking a crap or whatever. See's me with all my clothes in the basket and charges me. its jumping up at me barking. i thought it was funny as hell at first. Then it bit me. And I dopped my basket of clothes.
Mother Fucker. Here's the rub. The dickhead the neighbor doesnt do anything. He sits on the steps and watches,
"You wanna grab your dog please??"
"Uh yeah sure."
"Little guy bit me"
"That sucks"
he puts the dog inside. That sucks is all he said!! So now I'm pissed. I go put my clothes in the wash. As I'm walkin back fuckhead is sitting on his stoop.
Sometimes I cant let things go.
"You should keep an eye on your dog, I can take the bite but the little kids around here could get hurt."
"Excuse me?"
"I said your dogs I biter I'd watch it"
"Why dont you mind your own buisness"
So I'll sum it up here. We argued about his dog, about the barking, about me being bit (it didnt hurt but a fuckin apology would have been nice). He actually called me a pussy! I told him to go fuck himself.
Then....he poked me in the chest with his finger!!!!
So...well lets just say I think he needs some ice. And I know my landlord is on his way to tralk to us.
Now..I am a dog owner. So I tend to let dogs get away with barking all the time. Hell its a dog right.
Here's the problem. The dog continues to bark and bark and the dickhead is home. He NEVER tries to cease the barking. NEVER.
So I just turn my volume up stomp around a bit whatever.
Here's the real story.
As I said I went downstairs to do laundry. The dog is out taking a crap or whatever. See's me with all my clothes in the basket and charges me. its jumping up at me barking. i thought it was funny as hell at first. Then it bit me. And I dopped my basket of clothes.
Mother Fucker. Here's the rub. The dickhead the neighbor doesnt do anything. He sits on the steps and watches,
"You wanna grab your dog please??"
"Uh yeah sure."
"Little guy bit me"
"That sucks"
he puts the dog inside. That sucks is all he said!! So now I'm pissed. I go put my clothes in the wash. As I'm walkin back fuckhead is sitting on his stoop.
Sometimes I cant let things go.
"You should keep an eye on your dog, I can take the bite but the little kids around here could get hurt."
"Excuse me?"
"I said your dogs I biter I'd watch it"
"Why dont you mind your own buisness"
So I'll sum it up here. We argued about his dog, about the barking, about me being bit (it didnt hurt but a fuckin apology would have been nice). He actually called me a pussy! I told him to go fuck himself.
Then....he poked me in the chest with his finger!!!!
So...well lets just say I think he needs some ice. And I know my landlord is on his way to tralk to us.
thank you!!!!

Aww shucks!
Why thank you! You gotta start coming out to SGLA events, since you live in LA and all!