He wrote "The Chronicals of Narnia"
Also wrote a book that I love called "The Four Loves"
1)Affection - The humblest of Loves
2)Friendship - The least natural
3)Eros - Being in love, erotic love
4)Charity - Love of God
I pick up this book from time to time. I have numerous passages and lines highlighted. This week has been to much of a reflection period for me. Last year at this time my life started to crumble. Someone I loved dearly slipped away from me,(no the didnt die).
I saw my life at this time last year different. I thought I would be buying a ring. There is no certanty in life save 1. We will die. That's all we can count on. You never know about the rest of your life. Who you will love, who will love you. Which freinds will stay with you forever, and which ones will fade away. In a sense all four loves described will be challenged, questioned and argued over in your life.
"Hell is the only place outside Heaven where we can be safe from the dangers of Love"
Thats a little disconcerting don't you think.
They say "It's better to have loved and lost, then to never have been loved at all"
I say whoever wrote that never fucking loved anyone. Cause there is no greater pain then the ones created by love.
But you know what.
I would suffer that pain a million times to experience even a moment of being loved by someone. There is nothing and I mean nothing more powerful, more exciting, m ore pleasurable, more heartworming, than looking in to the eyes of some one you love and feeling that love returned back to you. The touches seem to last forever, the feeling, the touch.
Damn I dig that.
Yes I am a Hopeless Romantic.
He wrote "The Chronicals of Narnia"
Also wrote a book that I love called "The Four Loves"
1)Affection - The humblest of Loves
2)Friendship - The least natural
3)Eros - Being in love, erotic love
4)Charity - Love of God
I pick up this book from time to time. I have numerous passages and lines highlighted. This week has been to much of a reflection period for me. Last year at this time my life started to crumble. Someone I loved dearly slipped away from me,(no the didnt die).
I saw my life at this time last year different. I thought I would be buying a ring. There is no certanty in life save 1. We will die. That's all we can count on. You never know about the rest of your life. Who you will love, who will love you. Which freinds will stay with you forever, and which ones will fade away. In a sense all four loves described will be challenged, questioned and argued over in your life.
"Hell is the only place outside Heaven where we can be safe from the dangers of Love"
Thats a little disconcerting don't you think.
They say "It's better to have loved and lost, then to never have been loved at all"
I say whoever wrote that never fucking loved anyone. Cause there is no greater pain then the ones created by love.
But you know what.
I would suffer that pain a million times to experience even a moment of being loved by someone. There is nothing and I mean nothing more powerful, more exciting, m ore pleasurable, more heartworming, than looking in to the eyes of some one you love and feeling that love returned back to you. The touches seem to last forever, the feeling, the touch.
Damn I dig that.
Yes I am a Hopeless Romantic.
Abe got shot at a play...so he's telling Bush that if he went to a play someone would probably shoot him and he would die and that's what the country needs. For Bush to die.
cs lewis is the man!