In Tacoma. Tomorrow is last day of conference. Tired. Room next door had hooker over at 1 am and watched TV till 2 am. Bought ear plugs.

Want to go home. Still working on business finances after hours.

Met an old friend and her partner while here. Was going to get serious but she left Seattle. She is studying law and is top of her...
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yeah, me and icmn found an apartment in berkeley. i'll be pursuing a teaching credential and he a law degree.
thanks for the note, you will be missed...hope you come back when you can afford to.
Finished working on my taxes (I think). So wound up I can't sleep.

Leaving for Tacoma on Sunday for a business trip all next week. Fun fun fun... puke Need to go to work in 5 hours.

Having lunch with my sister's family on Sunday pm. Joy bliss rapture. How does one deal with the paranoid and hysterical religious? Guess it will help if I'm not...
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only 40?????

thats not THAT old, sheesh! kiss i think attitude is more of a factor than age with "dirty old men". tongue

the paranoid and hysterical religious? yikes. i don't have much patience for that
kind of craziness. surreal

Kind, yearning, playful, you are The Boy Next Door. You're looking for real Love, a lot like girls do. It might not be manly, but it's sweet. We think the next three years will be very exciting and fruitful ones for you. Your spontaneous, creative side makes you a charming date, and we think you have a horny side just waiting to shine. Or glisten,...
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hehehe, those animals are all painted on walls.......i should be done soon and then i'll have a ton of pics. tongue

awwwww...........i like sweet guys. kiss you'll find someone who appreciates that sort of thing.

now, your birthday is really close to mine...........so how old are you..........out of curiosity tongue

[Edited on Jun 28, 2005 2:09PM]
awwwwww.........come on.....tell me..... now i'm sooooo curious. LOL! come on......please please please..... kiss kiss kiss tongue

and you weren't supposed to look at my messy house. tongue although it does often look quite worse than that....... surreal like a tornado hit it. i just can't keep up most of the time...... tongue
Just returned from a business conference in central Washington. Spent some time cuising thrift stores and used book stores. Got some postcards showing Mt. St. Helens in the 50's.

Spoke with my boss. I told him diplomatically that he needs to back off and show people more respect.

Planning on taking three weeks off in Sept. to go back to Australia. Want to visit a...
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oooh, those spiders sound yucky. eeek

the last time i got some family history, i found out there's a lot of crazy polish people in my little family tree. surreal
i think the arthropod wildlife is the only thing that would keep me from living there. new zealand doesn't have all those weird bugs does it? maybe i'll just stick with california, i can more or less handle black widows and tarantulas.
I have begun recruiting replacements for my job. I will probably quit my job after September 2005. The workload and mind games at work have made me psychotic.

There is a commie, pinko non-profit looking for help with supporting local, organic farms. They will talk with me next week.

Here's to those poor blokes and babes who died, spritually or bodily, fighting for peace. If...
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Here's something cheerful from me for a change.

I bought some CD's including Fugazi, Maktub, and others. I bought a CD by Rosa Passos. Maybe I'm acting sentimental but she makes me want to get naked...

Also here are some cool recordings of air traffic controllers at work.

Poor Rosa Passos. She sounded a bit like an air traffic controller for a while.

I think I fixed the link. Once more - with feeling...

[Edited on May 21, 2005 10:43PM]
hahahahahaha, actually that cd sounds like it would be good mood music for getting naked. biggrin

ha, my friend told me to dream, and dream big. so you do the same. sometimes i have to stop and realize there's a whole different world out there somewhere. and places to see. and oppurtunities to be had........
ugh, i'm sure you get the idea. i'm just babbling now. blush
Seriously thinking of moving somewhere else. Haven't got enough attitude to enjoy living here. Don't have the brains to be a redneck and haven't got the patience to be a yuppie. Getting by on Archie McPhee. Hard times...
i had intended to write something witty but, overlooking your "what makes me hot" list ive become a little hot and bothered myself. (short fingernails are SO hot.) please excuse me, i need to make a trip to the little girls room. ARRR!!!
gee, thanks. ups drivers you say? i dont know about that but, i did notice the other day that postal workers wear some pretty foxy knee socks.
Fuck what a month. Piles of work. Sleep deprivation enough to keep my head cold happy and make me borderline psychotic. My car gets towed.

Thanks to curry take out, SG, the Onion, Lemon Jelly and Visqueen. Muuuussssst ssleee.......
are you feeling better yet? that Born into Brothels sounds really interesting........

those websites are really cool. surreal i never would've thought to even look for something like that! thanks for thinkin of me...... kiss kiss kiss
congrats on your affiliation with lemon jelly... so underrated. ARRR!!!
I'm feeling better these days. I'm getting over a stressful holiday.

Been enjoying MikeMac's MP3's and doing some yard work. I keep forgetting how rejuvenating some exercise can be. I can be a real slug sometimes.

We had some snow here which helps put me in a good mood. (We don't get much snow here.)

I don't really have a good excuse to be...
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thanks for the compliments. i think those are the best songs we've done so far (we haven't really done that many though). who knows when we'll do more, but i'll let you know. have fun doing yard work in the snow! smile
I am tired and crabby.

Had to attend another dinner with Dr. sister and family to 'celebrate' the New Year. It was pretty stressful.

My car needed oil pump repairs that put a good dent in my wallet.

Had to have dinner with my two cousins, one of whom is arrogant and condescending. They both study computer science and are uncomfortable talking about anything other...
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