with the time i waste on the life i never had i could've turned myself into a better man.
I am in a Deeply philosophical brooding mood today. What do you think these somewhat obscure lyrics mean.?
To me, there is a deep meaning behind these words. i think what the song writer is trying to say is that , it is human nature to try to live beyond our means to try to be something that we are not, and that a good portion of the world lives like that.
People tend to be soley about material things, their huge Gas guzzling SUV's, their massively expensive designer clothes. And for what. material things do not bring you happiness. Sure they make you feel better for a while, but how many people are slaves to their lifestyle. how many people are up to their eyeballs in debt because they try to suround themselves with crap they think will make them happy, when all it is really doing is tightening the noose around their own neck.
Iam not in any way trying to tout myself as a person above this. i revel in the idea of buying lottery tickets . I day dream 2 times a week about what I would do or wouldn't do if I ever won.
Now a reasonable man would say that the odds are so great, that it is just a waste of money. yeah it is, but you can't win if you don't play. I play 2 times a week, and in that i buy myself a break from my life and the pressures and responsibilties of bein a husband and father.
So what now. Is it possible to make such a large change in the way we look at life. Is it possible to stop all the madness, and start to live for things other than our possessions.
how to start if the question?
I am in a Deeply philosophical brooding mood today. What do you think these somewhat obscure lyrics mean.?
To me, there is a deep meaning behind these words. i think what the song writer is trying to say is that , it is human nature to try to live beyond our means to try to be something that we are not, and that a good portion of the world lives like that.
People tend to be soley about material things, their huge Gas guzzling SUV's, their massively expensive designer clothes. And for what. material things do not bring you happiness. Sure they make you feel better for a while, but how many people are slaves to their lifestyle. how many people are up to their eyeballs in debt because they try to suround themselves with crap they think will make them happy, when all it is really doing is tightening the noose around their own neck.
Iam not in any way trying to tout myself as a person above this. i revel in the idea of buying lottery tickets . I day dream 2 times a week about what I would do or wouldn't do if I ever won.
Now a reasonable man would say that the odds are so great, that it is just a waste of money. yeah it is, but you can't win if you don't play. I play 2 times a week, and in that i buy myself a break from my life and the pressures and responsibilties of bein a husband and father.
So what now. Is it possible to make such a large change in the way we look at life. Is it possible to stop all the madness, and start to live for things other than our possessions.
how to start if the question?