I hate Craigslist. The spam, people wasting your time, not to mention the shitty attitudes. All I was looking for was to use someone's house for a couple hours to do a set, and this is what the Jerk Off said:
ka1jpr <ka1jpr@comcast.net>
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To: Katherine McCann <katherinemccann@ymail.com>
I always wanted to be in a porn movie
And this was my response:
Katherine McCann <katherinemccann@ymail.com>
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To: ka1jpr <ka1jpr@comcast.net>
Well, it's not a movie and it's hardly porn. But apparently you're not taking this as seriously as I am, which is fine by me. You apparently have no idea of what Suicide Girls are or do. They're classy, and what you're doing as of the last e-mail you sent me, is not. So, in saying that I'm gonna look else where. I don't need to be feeling uncomfortable. Thank You for wasting my FUCKING time.
AND THEN after I had already told him off, he had the audacity to send me E-Mails of his shitty Tattoo Work... What a Dick. But anyways, I totally forgot my friend just moved and he said his house would be PERFECT. So I can't wait
ka1jpr <ka1jpr@comcast.net>
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To: Katherine McCann <katherinemccann@ymail.com>
I always wanted to be in a porn movie
And this was my response:
Katherine McCann <katherinemccann@ymail.com>
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To: ka1jpr <ka1jpr@comcast.net>
Well, it's not a movie and it's hardly porn. But apparently you're not taking this as seriously as I am, which is fine by me. You apparently have no idea of what Suicide Girls are or do. They're classy, and what you're doing as of the last e-mail you sent me, is not. So, in saying that I'm gonna look else where. I don't need to be feeling uncomfortable. Thank You for wasting my FUCKING time.
AND THEN after I had already told him off, he had the audacity to send me E-Mails of his shitty Tattoo Work... What a Dick. But anyways, I totally forgot my friend just moved and he said his house would be PERFECT. So I can't wait
classy? not porn?