Hello people..thanx for all your concern people i appreciate it im all better now,i dont normally let that stuff get me down but when it does its a doozy,umm well not much happening i have a week of work which should be fun,i plan to do bugger all..maybe some cooking,i recently found my hari krshna cookbook so i might get creative also got a drinking session with some other sydney sg members next sat.night which should be fun,work was full on last week,,i saw some nasty accidents & now know why i dont drive(i work in an operating theatre) oh thats right i got my bond monsy back from my last place i lived in so now im planning my next tatt..a platypuz of course its gonna be in traditional koori(aboriginal) design so im excited,im even thinking of getting another hole put in mt but i dunno what..maybe a matching hafarda
..ok well im outta here the big wide world awaits..again thanx for your thoughts..especially you morgannahh
..dont store poisons in empty soft drink bottles

hehehe love the story. are you gonna put it in the story group??

It was good to meet you in person - You are way cool and of my vintage...good to know there are some of Us still left in Sydney. See you around Newtown!