i just had a dream about my ex (shewhocanntbenamed)..we were in bed & i could feel her against me,smell her hair,feel her warm skin & hear her gently breathing..then i woke up & it was only that..a dream..i destroyed the greatest thing to ever happen to me & lost my soulmate,we were togeather for 5 years,that was 2 years ago we split & my heart and soul will always belong to her...i could never truly give myself to anyone else again (yes i still love her deeply) i always seem to hurt those that get close to me ..god i hate all this ...bring on the solitude..fuck this im gonna play with my ratties & go for a walk..thanx for letting me ramble,...water & powerpoints dont mix

I hope you feel better soon
ooh, edit to say: you don't know yet what I can do with potato salad
[Edited on Jul 22, 2005 4:04PM]
I am working on a story for the storytime group so be on the lookout.