Hiya people,well nearly everything is unpacked just some random bits & pieces to worry about but its all good,im over the flu which is good & i have a break before i go back to nights, i went out & saw some bands last night at a misfits tribute night all the bands did a few misfits songs as well as originals & they all got dressed up was fun & a tad drunken ummm our phone died yeasterday so i had to get telstra out & fix it i was worried..no phone no net arghhhhhhh hmm what else..oh yeah my mobile also died so i gotta ge a new one,never thought id hear myself say that asi have only had a mobile for about a year,but im converted beside its got all my numbers stored in it so i gotta get a new one ok well i gotta do shopping & clean out poly & siouxsies cage as its gettin a tad pongy so i'll love you & leave you all..play safe & dont run with scissors ok..love youse all

ill read it now
[Edited on Jul 03, 2005 4:40PM]