good morning everyone,well i got back fro my quick trip to brissy on wed.night..was nice to get away evern for a few days,it was so warm up there & was very cool to catch up with my friend jenni,it was a badly orgaizsed trip tho.decieded id go only a few days before i went.but jen was cool for me to crash at he place,we went & had vietnamese & went record shopping,i got a new platypus for my collection and also got a nw book..leviathan:the story of the seedy underbelly of sydney umm also discovered a place called churros world but it was to far to get to easily,i loooove churros good new tho,there seems to be one in sydney so i will have to search it out,well i been collecting boxes for the big move next w/end im excited gonna be so cool to live ina house again with a back yard(of sorts) im gonnas tart doing some stuff today as im back on night shift next week so its gonna be a pretty crazy time at casa camperdown so i better finish brekki & pull me finger out..take care everyone & talk to you all real & mushy stuff

Hey, Happy Birthday

i miss my pet squirrel