First day of my week off,been listerning to records and drinkin beer all day

Some 7' singles and ep's first off
Huasipungo-canciones para una causa perddia
His hero is gone-fools gold
Hell Krusher-dying for who
And in albums
Nausea-The punk terrorist anthology vol.I
I have my records in alphabetical order (yes.. i can hear you giggling up the back there ) and play thru them a-z,im up to h in singles and n in albums.
I managed to have breakfast with velvetfaerie last week,which was a treat.Was cool to se her again.
Nothing else much going on,my neighbour (neither of the gay couples) moved out yesterday,so someone new is moving in next to excitement.Ok well im starting to ramble so i'll leave it be,hope all is well and i'll be saying hi to you all this week.
Take care and loveyouse all x