Well The Anti-Nowhere League were pretty average, i wasnt a big fan to start with so i wasnt expecting brillience but they were ok, they played their 2 best known songs early "So What" and "I Hate People" so i left after them but Ian stayed till the end, its was a long night (10 bands played) and i was over it way before they came on,only so much meathead hardcore a man can handle, i was even tempted to try to sneak into The Hard Ons who played down the road & come back for the League..but that plan failed
Not much else happened on the weekend as i was at work so it was kinda dullsville man, tho a girl at the gig did recognise me from when she came to surgery for some kinda head injury ( damn punks-always damaging their heads)
The Weather has been steadily getting warmer which is nice and thankfully my flea problem seems to have abated..Hazzah
Im going to start going back to the dentist again soon to re-start my dental work,its been almost a year since my last vist ( maybe 8 months) so maybe its time i got started again and i also wanna try to get started on coloring my Platy tatt..i have put that of for to long as well
Fuckin ell i can procrastinate at times
Right you are..im gone, you all take care and will talk soon
Love youse all
and in a puff of logic he dissapears
Not much else happened on the weekend as i was at work so it was kinda dullsville man, tho a girl at the gig did recognise me from when she came to surgery for some kinda head injury ( damn punks-always damaging their heads)
The Weather has been steadily getting warmer which is nice and thankfully my flea problem seems to have abated..Hazzah
Im going to start going back to the dentist again soon to re-start my dental work,its been almost a year since my last vist ( maybe 8 months) so maybe its time i got started again and i also wanna try to get started on coloring my Platy tatt..i have put that of for to long as well
Fuckin ell i can procrastinate at times

Right you are..im gone, you all take care and will talk soon
Love youse all

and in a puff of logic he dissapears
I am hoping the gang don't realise that everyone else is partying..hopefully they will just sit and watch tv or something..hmmm..doubtful
I tried to add more fuzzy vision but Sg wouldn't let me *sigh* well maybe when I am less tired tommorrow I can do a new blog..hmmm
Dr Seuss.