The start of a new week,how was your weekend ?..was a beautiful & warm few days here so i took the initiative & spent a lot of it outside on Sat there was Punx Picnic on down the road,the usual assortment of bands played with Masstrauma & Vae Victus the stand outs..Smash & Grab headlined and thats when things got weird during Spider's (singer) usual antics there was lots of glass being thrown around and i happened to get in the way of 1/2 a beer bottle..nice lil cut on my right cheek..1 inch higher i would not have an eye & then some drunk kid decided to empty the garbage bin holding all the empty bottles on the brick pavement much to everyones displeasure
..then on Sat night i had drinks & ice cream with some of the SGAU crew,Steven,TheFuckOffKid,ContessaKatarina & her Beau and MissCc13 was cool to see everyone & meet someone new
Sunday saw me hanging at Rozelle markets with Willow for a lil while,where i picked up Stephen Donaldsons trilogyThe First chronicles of Thomas Covenant Unbeliever all in a nice lil boxed set for $5..bargain,then i came home & sat in the park reading & drinking grapefruit juice, then had a lazy walk home & popped into the Townie & had a few beers,saw my friend Dee(she works in the pub)..Grabbed a eggplant pide from the turkish take away watched some Family guy on dvd & played some Playstation and drifted of to sleepy land ZZZZZzzzzz
August 24 is Snakes on the Plane day wohoo
New set from
See some of you at the Quake festival nxt weekend
Love youse all

Sunday saw me hanging at Rozelle markets with Willow for a lil while,where i picked up Stephen Donaldsons trilogyThe First chronicles of Thomas Covenant Unbeliever all in a nice lil boxed set for $5..bargain,then i came home & sat in the park reading & drinking grapefruit juice, then had a lazy walk home & popped into the Townie & had a few beers,saw my friend Dee(she works in the pub)..Grabbed a eggplant pide from the turkish take away watched some Family guy on dvd & played some Playstation and drifted of to sleepy land ZZZZZzzzzz
August 24 is Snakes on the Plane day wohoo
New set from

See some of you at the Quake festival nxt weekend
Love youse all

the new colour makes me look like a hot bitch 

Hi lovely.....yes it was a good to make it through! Hope work is treating you well? Thanks again for seeing Snakes on a muthafuckin plane with me