Welcome to Monday,how was everyones weekend ?? i did a lot of eating & drinking way to much booze,saw some cool bands on Sat.night at the Lansdowne hotel where The Corps tore it up & on Sunday i saw Babymachine & Pure Evil at the Annandale
Also been checking out some of the World cup football,but being on so late i have only been seeing the first game ( it comes on about 11pm ) im not a huge soccer fan but i can appreciate the skill involved
I cant wait for july,i have 2 weeks holiday woohoo..im not sure what im gonna do,but i dont care as long as it aint work..i been in this job for 3 yrs & havnt had a holiday so i think im due,i would take longer but i hope to accrue some Hols so i can go o/s next year ,maybe New Zealand or Thailand..dunno yet
Ok now a little rant,i cant believe that in the 21st Century that Whaling is still an issue ,some countries want to over turn 20 yr ban on Whaling in the southern oceans & start hunting these peaceful animals..im sure there is a better way to prop up struggling economies,i dont have the answers but i do know its just Wrong
..take care people
Also been checking out some of the World cup football,but being on so late i have only been seeing the first game ( it comes on about 11pm ) im not a huge soccer fan but i can appreciate the skill involved
I cant wait for july,i have 2 weeks holiday woohoo..im not sure what im gonna do,but i dont care as long as it aint work..i been in this job for 3 yrs & havnt had a holiday so i think im due,i would take longer but i hope to accrue some Hols so i can go o/s next year ,maybe New Zealand or Thailand..dunno yet
Ok now a little rant,i cant believe that in the 21st Century that Whaling is still an issue ,some countries want to over turn 20 yr ban on Whaling in the southern oceans & start hunting these peaceful animals..im sure there is a better way to prop up struggling economies,i dont have the answers but i do know its just Wrong

See now that sounds like a damn nice holiday to me.
I don't like to make any promises ... but I will certainly try to be at morgannahhs b'day do. I still feel like a bit of a piker leaving after an hour that last time. I couldn't help it though, because as ok as I might have looked, I was really fucked up with a hangover.