Ahh weekeends ya gotta love em ..not much going on at Club Platypuz i went out last night & saw Junto at the Excelsior Hotel & hung out with the Dynamic duo that is MissCB & Mr Shanghai some cool music & great company is what sat night all about
Not sure what im up to today,might go to my mate pauls place & play some rekkids,drink beer & hang with him & his family
Our neighbours moved out last week & we scored some cool shit we got 2 small tables ( goodbye milk creates) i got a new cloths rack thingy & we also got a new mini hi-fi system
Im gonna try and be more active on the Journal front in the future both reading & up dating my own..i can be a tad lazy at times
Im currently groovin to the MC5 's Back in the USA ..I find the lyrics to ' The American ruse' are still relevent today
take care everyone..hugs & kisses to all
Not sure what im up to today,might go to my mate pauls place & play some rekkids,drink beer & hang with him & his family
Our neighbours moved out last week & we scored some cool shit we got 2 small tables ( goodbye milk creates) i got a new cloths rack thingy & we also got a new mini hi-fi system
Im gonna try and be more active on the Journal front in the future both reading & up dating my own..i can be a tad lazy at times
Im currently groovin to the MC5 's Back in the USA ..I find the lyrics to ' The American ruse' are still relevent today
take care everyone..hugs & kisses to all
