Hello there people..thank you for your concern,im ok now well cept for a cold i feel like im getting..i hate summer colds..yuk..umm went to the markets at the pub on saturday & bought a gumby figure & 7 inch rekkid from an old melb punk band & on sunday caught up with jogu at the sando & saw some bands..today is my last day of before work again..oh also bought a copy of the movie of 1984..one of my fave books & movie..take care people..im of to pop echanacia

Junto was good. I think they've improved a bit since I saw them the first time. The weekend in general was average.
Glad you are feelin better honey! Gumby doll? Oh my Goddess that takes me way back, but then again we are of a similar vintage - and get better with age eh? I'm still trying to work that bloody busy social calendar of ours to do dinner - may have to be March now...bloody freelance buggers up your Social Life! x