Yawwwwn..hello there people how is everyone ,how was everyones weekend..mine was great,on friday night i went & saw JUNTO..MissCB band she managers @ the Excelsior,was a great night of rock & good company, thanx then on sat night i saw some more bands at a new all age venue in Newtown,saw some people i havnt spoken to in a while an somehow lost 3 hrs..have no idea what happened..eeep..then sunday was a leisurly pub crawl along King st...Good times had by all,well im also on night shift this week & havnt been able to sleep much i have had about 6 hrs total since monday
and im feeling a tad fried so im gonna go have a nice lay down..take care people & be careful out there

Thanks for your email too....makes me feel good! Cant wait for the next meet up....in some grand pub i hope...