Hanging out with lindsey. Hmm. Healthiest thing in the world? Perhaps not. Am I under constant barrage from my other friends to "be careful" and "not get snared by her bullshit" again? Yes.
She is still the cutest thing on two legs but we're giving that whole just friends thing a go. I'm not really sure that I could turn her down if her mind changed, but for now I'm not pressing anything and her attention is focused elsewhere.
She is still the cutest thing on two legs but we're giving that whole just friends thing a go. I'm not really sure that I could turn her down if her mind changed, but for now I'm not pressing anything and her attention is focused elsewhere.
but it good that u all are staying together
cause sometimes people are alone when bad things happen
and now.. when they look back and remember that she died
they will remember how all of u were there
and made it bearable