Hooray internet! I've somehow managed to pirate a signal at long last with my wireless card. Granted the cable people are coming by today to deliver unto me ACTUAL internet, but every little taste is yummy when you've been without.

Work is work, but I kind of like it. I think I lucked out huge at this place, it's such a low stress environment.
*snicker* I got a christmas bonus at work on friday. $40 for every month of employment. That's $40 for those of you keeping track.
Oh wow, so much fun. I picked melissa up at the airport on friday so that we could go to my office holiday party last night. It was at Paris On Ponce in their Moulin Rouge ballroom and so of course we both went and got authentic period costumes. They absolutley trounced all other finery, it was fantastic. I believe we were the unanimously declared...
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Ugh, i had a wicked nosebleed last night in the shower. Season changes for the win. Rather than pinch it off I kind of just let it go and swirl around in the water a bit...morbid, yet somehow satisfying. Kind of like watching a fire, there is fascination there despite having plopped in front of one countless times before.

I have been reoganizing my music...
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Hooray for being financially viable again! Quick summer update...

I walked out of my last exam and embarked on a 34 hour nonstop drive with my brother, terminating in LA at JR's place. From there we went all touristy until Melissa flew in from the Jazz Dance World Congress in chicago. The four of us then trekked up to San Francisco (amazing) and then onward...
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join the athens group!!!!
I think that to actually be employable and not just an unknown entity, I am going to have to add some certifications to my degree. Beginning to study for such things can be easily complicated by the fact that a new WoW patch is coming out today.

Well I've been home for a while now and done a couple of interviews, but most places don't seem all that apt to hire someone right out of college. The light at the end of the tunnel though is that in asking one of my professors if he'd be a contact for me, he asked me about coming back for grad school...apparently I made a...
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the end is very fucking nigh.

test, final on monday. final on thursday. hooray for being a college graduate.

begin drive to LA as soon as I get out of my final...ostensibly just to visit JR, but also to scout the area as a potential new home. We'll be visiting LA for a couple of days, checking out San Fransisco, and then hitting lots of...
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oh.. oh oh.. find some of southern cali's hot springs and camp there.. i once did and i dont regret it!! happy birthday by the way.. congrats on graduating and best of luck with house hunting.. i know i cant wait to get out of GA myself! the land is beautiful here but the people.. the people i tell you are all crazy!
X kiss
I got my Clap Your Hands Say Yeah cd in the mail today and so far find it very much to my liking.

So last night I went to a costume party...and then to a toga party. The first of my collegiate career and likely the last, though it was a lot of fun. I actually ran into quite a few people that I knew...
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hmmm, randomly contacted by a girl I had a huge crush on in High School. That's always nice, right? *Shrug* I got her number, but I'm not heading back to the Canton area until the end of july any way