it's almost intimidating!!!! i've witnessed some strange paranormal in my time on this rock...but my suicide girl friends are soooo hot...looking at me when i'm on my profile...hey i get to see you naked
wooo hoooo, it's a sweet world...too bad a lot of suffering goes on...bus rides at 4 A.M. are no picnics, i watched a kid vomit on his dad...yes i have! not once or twice but three times witnessed sex on a public bus...i use to work at one of the sexiest places in seattle, the alley in back was sexy, and the bus ride home and then the walk home from the bus stop was even sexy...those were some sexy times, and i was trapped in a bubble...even my spirit guide led me to the condom aisle, i later convinced my spirit that if it went out and did consentual acts it was always welcome but that attraction had to be there, it's ruled by desire...lot of times i could be a fuck head, but i've been arrested for obstruction of a public official, and my release note they misspelled it to say pubic lie. i just wanted to be nice, who is the fucktard that created identity theft, do i really have to worry about somebody wanting to be me
have fun with my debt, and yes i did tell god he (it...what?) is high on itself, i met a satan no a minor demon well it was major, invisible things to me are major
but that was after the owl people were the things in the trees the same time all the "owl" bands started forming...but seriously in the field at the outer edge there is this paved walking path and that is where i finished...the kiss is that important, it has taken on a mind of its it's just a short type of story, automatic...backwards mostly true...i'm doing a bit better when i realized my greatest fear is love, but i just watched night rangers video of "don't tell me you love me" i'd like to know i'm not night ranger....anyways not proving anything but if i help you smile sweet usually girls i like are all married so have patience i swear i'll find you
but if your bord you could find me