Well counting down the minutes till pay day and rationing out my food
checking my gas and wondering which destinations I can cancel or walk to
I do not like asking for money
I have loaned sooo much money to friends I thought I could be able to hold my own if I helped out friends but what is funny I'm to ashamed to ask them or tell them how bad my money woes are
they get new clothes and haven't been in a mall for a year while they complain about my lack of wordrobe
I am over drawn a week after payday just paying bills, and groceries
and have a credit card that i never use and never pay
Though I am still expected to pay for cooking meals for my friend and dress nicely
I'm so tired of not being able to talk about it so I am sorry for throwing up on this light hearted site
checking my gas and wondering which destinations I can cancel or walk to
I do not like asking for money
I have loaned sooo much money to friends I thought I could be able to hold my own if I helped out friends but what is funny I'm to ashamed to ask them or tell them how bad my money woes are
they get new clothes and haven't been in a mall for a year while they complain about my lack of wordrobe
I am over drawn a week after payday just paying bills, and groceries
and have a credit card that i never use and never pay
Though I am still expected to pay for cooking meals for my friend and dress nicely
I'm so tired of not being able to talk about it so I am sorry for throwing up on this light hearted site