It occurred to me, that what my Stream may need is a schedule. Something that viewers can be aware of and check in at their own pace without being reminded or informed via Text, FB, Twitter, or SG blog update 10min before said stream. Often what happens is no one see them until after i've taken off. Second thought probably should try streaming for more than 1hr at a time. I have upgraded my service plan and shouldn't have issues with data caps. Also sticking to 1 game primarily instead of floating around all the time. Currently i have myself playing Metal Gear Solid 5, Heroes Of The Storm, and Fallout 4. Although at this moment Both FO4 and Skyrim which I streamed only once are now giving me problems, skyrim will not run for more than 30sec until it crashes, and Fallout4 is having 1 hell of a graphics meltdown where it turns my characters face pitch black, void of texture or flesh. Very distracting and annoying. As for those i Play with, to date I have Dan, who was riding shotgun with me on the night I played some Skyrim, and then there are my boys from Yokai Motorsports, local Motor club here in Alaska. We play Heroes Of The Storm. I am always happy to play with others. I can also play some diablo3 but lets face it there really isn't much there other than the pure enjoyment of conversation. Other assets at my disposal are, World Of Warcraft, Numerous other titles on my Steam, and Origins. And Arma3(military Shooter/Sim, a rather niche community doubt i'll find many interested in that).
Anyway, Let me know what you think. I am interested in your input. Not to mention other human interaction.
Ya'll Stay Classy - Steve