Well hello there! Been a cool while since my last blog. I figured it would only be fair to update you lovely folks on my status. That being unchanged for the most part, I have however gotten my own dedicated Internet line into the house so that I may stream via twitch.tv my exploits in gaming. Well to be honest they aren't so much exploits as me goofing around in between explosive outburst of frustration and expletive riddle hysteria. But I've managed, all the same. Should you fine people ever feel so inclined you may find me at twitch.tv/plasticsavior.
I've also joined the ranks of the enlightened by which I refer to being an owner of a smart phone. A Galaxy S6 to be exact. Well to be forthright, I don't know why I was holding back. I bloody love this thing. Skipping the typical banter on what you an do with it. I just can't seem to find and end to its involvement in 1 aspect of an other of my life. Which pleases me. With that said I've composed this solely on the phone tiny little keypad... much fat finger has occurred and no fuck were given.
My parents are well to which I am unspeakably thankful around this time last year my father gave me a scare and I've been on watch in secret since. I am so scared to loose him. Mom has started to show her age, though which more grace, of course.
Hoping 2016 is brighter for you all.
Ya'll stay classy. ~Steve