So as I mentioned in my last blog I managed to FUBAR my meeting on the 24th of Jan. Only to book another meeting and royally screw that one up too. I am loosing sleep and find myself swamped back into games which i find myself not playing for enjoyment rather it feels simply as a waste of time. This was one of the concerns my social worker had, that i don't find much enjoyment in small things that once gave me great mirth.
My parents are becoming more concerned and it seems to be having an increased effect on my mother. I've mastered the automated response of "I know" to all questions. Though i do know, i can't seem to drive myself to do anything about it. Correction i often do something about only to find myself forgetting, or sabotaging myself in some way that causes me to miss appointments of cancel commitments.
My parents are holding me together, but i would seem that I'm putting a lot of un due stress on them.
Anyway, Wishing you all a Happy Weekend. - Steve