I was taught by my parents to be a caring and helpful person, these lessons have only be magnified by my involvement in Boy Scouts as a young lad, and my Enlistment in the United States Air Force. But it would seem that there are a great many out there who either have not had the honor of these life lessons and in turn have taken on the role of seeking others generosities. Dare i say feeding off it. Now perhaps not maliciously but as a subconscious act. They live a life to a point where they cannot sustain themselves and begin looking for a helping hand. As before I mentioned i am one who is eager to help whenever i can. But should there be a limit to ones willingness to help when the ones who ask refuse to help themselves? Suddenly i am reminded of an old add age and can't remember it right now. For now, this one will continue to help even when doing so puts me in a tight spot. I don't like to see people suffer on any level.
More Blogs
You Had One Job...
So as I mentioned in my last blog I managed to FUBAR my meeting on … -
2 steps forward, 1 giant bitch slap back down the stairs.
So today it would seem that my brain thought it would be great and … -
Higher Learning
So i started my application for the Community college here in my to… -
My father
So my father had an exploratory procedure today. He has been having… -
Frustration ( warning nerdy Hobby content )
So the electronic parts arrived last week, And to my dismay I find … -
Here we go again...
Happy New Year. That is right folks, we've been blessed by the div… -
Here we go again...
Happy New Year. That is right folks, we've been blessed by the divi… -
Not one of my better qualities. Especially when I'm waiting on some… -
Holiday Movies
There many classics such as Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer, or Frost… -
SwEet Sanity Has REturned to ME!
So, another Xmas has come to pass. Santa has made his rounds, blas…