I just went for long bike ride...such a great day in NYC. Took the brooklyn bridge into Manhattan and for the first time took the Williamsburg Bridge home. I realized I've been riding the tourist bridge all these years.
Brooklyn bridge tourist....Manhattan bridge cool..Williamsburg coolest. There were acually Teenagers hanging out drinking and smoking. I haven't seen that in NYC for years. Over all I think Williamsburg is a little tragiclly hip.
P.S. I'm sitting out on my back deck having a beer enjoyng the last bit of sunlight of the day. Wireless fucking rocks.
Brooklyn bridge tourist....Manhattan bridge cool..Williamsburg coolest. There were acually Teenagers hanging out drinking and smoking. I haven't seen that in NYC for years. Over all I think Williamsburg is a little tragiclly hip.
P.S. I'm sitting out on my back deck having a beer enjoyng the last bit of sunlight of the day. Wireless fucking rocks.
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comment required, fuckO. ha.