Wow. It's been a while.
So; the other day I went for a walk (I like to go for walks....I'm an old man), and I was thinking about how I'm getting older, and how I'm never going to enjoy certain things like I did when I was younger, such as holidays. I basically bummed myself out.
And then, out of the blue, this kid, around 10-year old, comes riding down the street wearing a skeleton costume...just casually riding along, by himself, jumping off the curbs and such.
And for some reason, I suddenly felt a lot better.
Played a show last night for my friend (and bandmate) Jesse's birthday. Which was fun. And also a horrific disaster.
Another friend got Jesse an interesting birthday present: "Gerogia Moon Corn Whiskey", which is, essentally, MOONSHINE. It even came in a mason jar. And then, it was someobody's bright idea to start passing the jar around.
By 10:00, I was drunk. And then someone handed me drink tickets.
By 11:00, my brain had gone numb.
By 11:30, I was on stage, barely able to sit upright. I could see straight enough to tell that the whole band was in the same predicament. It was car wreck, musically-speaking. And by the end of the show I could only vaguely register where (or who) I was. But I'm pretty sure I had a great time...
Here's some of the highlights of my behavior:
-Climbing on top of the tables, and then jumping back and forth.
-Passing out in front of the bar.
-Kissing everyone (EVERYONE) is saw.
-Almost knocking over the DJ mixing board.
I'm a maroon.
Another survey:
1.) What's your favorite thing to do, to relax?
2.) Did you see Jon Stewart on "Crossfire"? What did you think?
3.) What's your favorite movie that was taken from a novel, or short story?
4.) What's your favorite "rainy day" music?
5.) What's the most inebriated (drunk) you've ever been?
Music Currently Playing:
The Talking Heads - "Stop Making Sense"
Whiskeytown - "Pneumonia"
So; the other day I went for a walk (I like to go for walks....I'm an old man), and I was thinking about how I'm getting older, and how I'm never going to enjoy certain things like I did when I was younger, such as holidays. I basically bummed myself out.
And then, out of the blue, this kid, around 10-year old, comes riding down the street wearing a skeleton costume...just casually riding along, by himself, jumping off the curbs and such.
And for some reason, I suddenly felt a lot better.

Played a show last night for my friend (and bandmate) Jesse's birthday. Which was fun. And also a horrific disaster.
Another friend got Jesse an interesting birthday present: "Gerogia Moon Corn Whiskey", which is, essentally, MOONSHINE. It even came in a mason jar. And then, it was someobody's bright idea to start passing the jar around.
By 10:00, I was drunk. And then someone handed me drink tickets.
By 11:00, my brain had gone numb.
By 11:30, I was on stage, barely able to sit upright. I could see straight enough to tell that the whole band was in the same predicament. It was car wreck, musically-speaking. And by the end of the show I could only vaguely register where (or who) I was. But I'm pretty sure I had a great time...

Here's some of the highlights of my behavior:
-Climbing on top of the tables, and then jumping back and forth.
-Passing out in front of the bar.
-Kissing everyone (EVERYONE) is saw.
-Almost knocking over the DJ mixing board.
I'm a maroon.
Another survey:
1.) What's your favorite thing to do, to relax?
2.) Did you see Jon Stewart on "Crossfire"? What did you think?
3.) What's your favorite movie that was taken from a novel, or short story?
4.) What's your favorite "rainy day" music?
5.) What's the most inebriated (drunk) you've ever been?
Music Currently Playing:
The Talking Heads - "Stop Making Sense"
Whiskeytown - "Pneumonia"
You look pretty damn good actually.
I'll take a spin on your thing.
1. watching tv or a movie. Lately been watching DVD set of Sopranos season 2
2. Never saw it but heard it was a hoot.
3. Prisoner of Azkban (harry potter)
4. People are Strange by the Doors or anything by Pink Floyd
5. Only been drunk under 5 times and have never been too inebriated.
[Edited on Oct 28, 2004 6:23PM]