[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Rainer Maria - Long Knives Drawn, Tori Amos - Little Earthqu ]
Ah, Autumn time. I don't think I'll ever be fully able to express how this time of year makes me feel. Even through other shit in my life that can normally shoot down an otherwise good mood, the feeling of joy remains unscathed. So much to enjoy...the feel of the first cold breeze, or the hint of rain clouds in the sky, or the Halloween decorations in the local shop windows... or waking up to a chilly room and a din of grey light peeking in through my window...it all has some sort of supernatural hold on me. Sometimes I find myself laughing without knowing why, except that I'm just happy.
My week has been strange. Moving my drums from the practice space to my house reminded me of when I bought my first drumkit...I still remebember that day quite distinctly...it made me feel nostalgic, but also sad and troubled, like taking a step backwards. I just want the band to keep going foward, and I fear that this move will slow things down, or worse kill everyone's motivation. Have to wait and see, I suppose...
My Saturday was spent in Hollywood, not getting into Bang because Sarah didn't have a picture ID, and then Jesse, Sam, Shane, Sarah, and I gettign really drunk and going to Rock N' Roll Pizza...good times. I did miss going to Suzy's party, which I was upset about, though.
Things with friends and other people got really strange this week...such as my friend and my ex getting together...which honestly is completely fine by me; in fact, I think it's cool that two neat people found each other. But it is still kinda weird, circumstancually-speaking...
And that's only the beginning of the weirdness. But I'm not gonna focus on the weirdness, no siree bob! Why? 'Cuz it's Halloween-time, that's why!!!
Have to do my best to get the the dentists after work today and talk to them about their Care program. Hopefully I will do something Halloween-y tonight...anyone got any ideas?
[ music | Rainer Maria - Long Knives Drawn, Tori Amos - Little Earthqu ]
Ah, Autumn time. I don't think I'll ever be fully able to express how this time of year makes me feel. Even through other shit in my life that can normally shoot down an otherwise good mood, the feeling of joy remains unscathed. So much to enjoy...the feel of the first cold breeze, or the hint of rain clouds in the sky, or the Halloween decorations in the local shop windows... or waking up to a chilly room and a din of grey light peeking in through my window...it all has some sort of supernatural hold on me. Sometimes I find myself laughing without knowing why, except that I'm just happy.
My week has been strange. Moving my drums from the practice space to my house reminded me of when I bought my first drumkit...I still remebember that day quite distinctly...it made me feel nostalgic, but also sad and troubled, like taking a step backwards. I just want the band to keep going foward, and I fear that this move will slow things down, or worse kill everyone's motivation. Have to wait and see, I suppose...
My Saturday was spent in Hollywood, not getting into Bang because Sarah didn't have a picture ID, and then Jesse, Sam, Shane, Sarah, and I gettign really drunk and going to Rock N' Roll Pizza...good times. I did miss going to Suzy's party, which I was upset about, though.
Things with friends and other people got really strange this week...such as my friend and my ex getting together...which honestly is completely fine by me; in fact, I think it's cool that two neat people found each other. But it is still kinda weird, circumstancually-speaking...
And that's only the beginning of the weirdness. But I'm not gonna focus on the weirdness, no siree bob! Why? 'Cuz it's Halloween-time, that's why!!!
Have to do my best to get the the dentists after work today and talk to them about their Care program. Hopefully I will do something Halloween-y tonight...anyone got any ideas?