Tuesday Sep 27, 2005 Sep 27, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email the sets lately have been just GREAT! goin' to D.C. this weekend.....can't wait for that. i love D.C.! peace to you! VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS providencia: Have fun in D.C. lil' dood. I'm finally reunited with the Woodchuck now that I'm in GA and we're having a great time. At least I am, he just get's pissed. *wah wah waaaaah* [Edited on Sep 28, 2005 11:43AM] Sep 28, 2005 chastety: My beagle is to short to reach the trash can. Not to mention he has been wooped and dont really go very close to the trash can. Sep 28, 2005
I'm finally reunited with the Woodchuck now that I'm in GA and we're having a great time.
At least I am, he just get's pissed.
*wah wah waaaaah*
[Edited on Sep 28, 2005 11:43AM]