It's raining.
I'm stuck inside with 12 woodchucks grinning at me.
I was going to take them with me to the park and kill them slowly. But that's too good for them now. No.
They will die in the most horrible and speedy way possible.
I'm going to take out the grill and torture some Yam and Onions as well.
Just to horrify the ney-bores I'll do it in my underwear.
i dunno aboiut a mom throwing a party though id be like -yawn- bore-fest!
I'm stuck inside with 12 woodchucks grinning at me.
I was going to take them with me to the park and kill them slowly. But that's too good for them now. No.
They will die in the most horrible and speedy way possible.
I'm going to take out the grill and torture some Yam and Onions as well.
Just to horrify the ney-bores I'll do it in my underwear.
Take my sunshine away, see what ya' get!!!