brain failure, next to the lunachicks is probably my new favorite band. saw them last night and they were probably one of the better bands i've ever had the pleasure of seeing. they got the crowd hyped up twice as much as the unseen. they're just fucking amazing. that, and they're from china. which is a little odd because most asian bands you see around here are from japan...but reading their bio, it all makes sense. i guess Xiao Rong started the beijing punk movement. NEAT. i encourage everyone to check'em out. they have a song on the new give'em the boot cd i believe. anyways. did that last night...then went to devins house for a party extrodinare for miss danni of crap corps. really because she just wanted to get drunk. um. now i'm waiting for for my hair to dry and counting down the minutes before i go to work. i'm gonna work at mcbrides a few more weeks.....then i'm quitting. i'm kind of scared. i mean, i've quit jobs before...but this is a lot of money i'm throwing away just so's i can go out and have fun once in a while. i'll give it a few weeks and work at the garden center when it opens just to see where i stand. also.......i think i may have to sell my car. hoodilly, do not want to do that. it's like one of my best friends. i'm sad. it's really pathetic, because i'm genuinely sad about this. oh gosh. tear.
i missed them because i was at band practice.
that show was way too early. i know how you feel about the job thing. it is so hard for me to quit any job. i will work myself to death. you need to get a job here...and move away from that town you are stuck in so you can hang out more