it's still boringhere in mississippi. i am going to my moms this weekend and i am going to see some friends i haven't seen in about 2 years, so that should be cool. gonna boil crawfish saturday. yum, yum! other than that nothing new here. i sure wish i had some kind of drama to post on here. everyone else has all this crazy exciting stuff posted, i am jealous. oh yeah, i was taken complete advantage of by a woman that was about a foot taller than me while i was drunk the other nite. she molested me on the beach while people walked by watching. i tried to call for help but to no avail, i think every one was scared. i couldn't believe it when i woke up, i felt so violated. i can now say i am a victim of date rape, and it sucks.
she molested you huh? shoulda told her you had cooties
thats fucked. i'm sorry that happened to you. i think if i was in your situation, i would have puked all over her just so she'd leave me alone.