I guess i should update now that im back...
Well this past years has seen alot of changes and new starts.
Im single and happy and completely in love with Roller Derby, we've finished our season and i cant wait for the new one to start.
I chose Lady Roll D'mort as my derby name and was put on a team called the Road Train Rollers...
I even got a roller girl tattoed on me in my teams uniform, she's purdy
Hmm what else Neil and i broke up, its been hard but i'll get there...
Enjoying my life at the moment though, just having fun and enjoying being single...
I lost a butt load of weight too (thank you derby)
I started a new job about a month thanks to the lovely ponderch3rry
Umm i travelled to Melbourne to support my league for the "Skate of Origin" and screamed my lungs out and almost had a heart attack in the process, We won by 2 points after double overtime jams...
From there went on to Sydney to visit my mum and and my sister who i havent seen since i moved to lil ole Adelaide...
Formed some pretty amazing friendships that have made the last few months that much more bearable
And this lovely lady has helped quite a lot too
Ummm yeah its all mostly derby that i've done this year. I love it...
I've missed it here though...
Hope your all well
I guess i should update now that im back...
Well this past years has seen alot of changes and new starts.
Im single and happy and completely in love with Roller Derby, we've finished our season and i cant wait for the new one to start.
I chose Lady Roll D'mort as my derby name and was put on a team called the Road Train Rollers...
I even got a roller girl tattoed on me in my teams uniform, she's purdy

Hmm what else Neil and i broke up, its been hard but i'll get there...
Enjoying my life at the moment though, just having fun and enjoying being single...
I lost a butt load of weight too (thank you derby)
I started a new job about a month thanks to the lovely ponderch3rry
Umm i travelled to Melbourne to support my league for the "Skate of Origin" and screamed my lungs out and almost had a heart attack in the process, We won by 2 points after double overtime jams...
From there went on to Sydney to visit my mum and and my sister who i havent seen since i moved to lil ole Adelaide...
Formed some pretty amazing friendships that have made the last few months that much more bearable

And this lovely lady has helped quite a lot too

Ummm yeah its all mostly derby that i've done this year. I love it...

I've missed it here though...
Hope your all well

oh and happy recent semi-late birthday!