First off
So im not leaving work afterall,
They gave me a payrise and more training...
The boy and I got a new fandangled camerea, its lovely a Sony DSLR-A200
It takes the prettiest pictures...

Can you tell i like Cherry Blossums???

I went to music rehersals with the boy today...

I was kinda hung-over from a friends 21st so i curled up in his drum bags and had a nap


There pretty warm to sit in too...

Hope you all had a good weekend
p.s. Why do i like the new Cadbury add with the drumming gorilla?
So im not leaving work afterall,
They gave me a payrise and more training...
The boy and I got a new fandangled camerea, its lovely a Sony DSLR-A200
It takes the prettiest pictures...

Can you tell i like Cherry Blossums???

I went to music rehersals with the boy today...

I was kinda hung-over from a friends 21st so i curled up in his drum bags and had a nap


There pretty warm to sit in too...

Hope you all had a good weekend

p.s. Why do i like the new Cadbury add with the drumming gorilla?
omg i hate that add lol!!!
I just saw the drumming Gorilla ad! I had no idea what was going on, I thought it was a World Wildlife Foundation ad or something until he started drumming (he's very realisitic). It's off the planet but I like it!