Hi, I just wanted to Thank all who wrote such encourging messages and leaving me with great advice. It means a lot to me to know that so many poeple care. So thank you again! Hugs and Kisses!!!!
Yeah, it was fun and I did enjoy myself after all.
What's this about not having a current crush?? No way should that be possible, so many of us hot ass guys out here and not a single one that you'd like to make PB&J sammys with? (peanut butter rules!)
Here, so you can have one, I'll totally volunteer for the job.
See, and that will so take the trouble out of selecting one, and then wondering if he likes you too, and then the whole "Do i tell him how I feel" thingy... it makes it all so much easier.
Hehe, yeah. I speak Russian semi-fluently. I spent about nine months in the former Soviet republic of Georgia (which is located just South of Russia and North of Turkey) in it's capital T'bilisi.
I'll definitely let you know if she screams or not, hehe.
What's this about not having a current crush?? No way should that be possible, so many of us hot ass guys out here and not a single one that you'd like to make PB&J sammys with? (peanut butter rules!)
Here, so you can have one, I'll totally volunteer for the job.
See, and that will so take the trouble out of selecting one, and then wondering if he likes you too, and then the whole "Do i tell him how I feel" thingy... it makes it all so much easier.
What are friends for right?
I'll definitely let you know if she screams or not, hehe.