Finally finished my project car. Hopefully its good weather all weekend and ill enjoy a nice drive
holy moly!! That's awesome! it's almost as long as him!
he was excited to eat iy
Took my son to volunteer at the animal shelter, hes still young but i am hoping to install compassion and the will to help people. Anyhow, some how or another i ended up adopting a 8 year old pitbull boxer mix. Shes a sweetheart wasnt my plan to adopt a pet, but things change quickly sometimes
it's still good to teach him something! ^.^ Good parenting!
As life goes on the complexity of it changes, things that should be easy become tough and tough things become easy. I am not sure if this is from a life time of knowledge to achieve your basic needs at what ever cost, Or quite simply you just get used to the struggle. With each giant step forward and accomplishment seems to be another setback...
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Well after two weeks of running and hiding from everybody at work and home that was sick it finally got me. And so far ofcourse i feel like i am dieing, but really its not nearly as bad as my brother or son had it so keeping my fingers crossed it doesnt get worse. Down side is i have to work everyday, so i cant...
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Cute pic of you and your son 

Thank you liz
Jeez dude. Only two days? Take it easy 

Wow I really like this. So much to look at. Keeps my eyes moving across the piece. How many hours total are in it?
Somewhere around 30 hrs, hes not the fastest artist in the world. But hes a good friend and has the perfect style for me.
You ever have that moment when your outside alone lost in your thoughts, developing a plan of attack to change certain things and your mind wonders in to the what ifs. Then a cool breeze comes from no where giving your whole body the chills, like this is the moment that will change everything. You bristle with confidence even have a smile. Then your damn...
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Busy week. Besides work have a dentist appointment, a laser removal appointment, and my lasy tattoo appointment for my back. Cannot wait to get it all over with.
hope it's gone well. Post a pic of that tattoo when it's done!