I used to think I followed films.....like if a movie came out that i would like, I usually went to see it, or AT LEAST knew about it. Sure, I havn't seen <i>Spiderman</i> yet, or ever made it to see <i>Dogtown and Z Boys</i>, but I know I should. They didn't come out and smack me upside the head.
<img src="http://www.galacticfractures.com/images/other/darko.jpg" align="left">
Then I see a movie like <i>Donnie Darko</i>. HOLY SHIT! How could I have missed this movie? Why am I so lame? This is now one of my favorite flicks. It has humor, a good story, and is remarkably touching. All without spoonfeeding the audience. It is set in the 80s, so its kinda like if John Hughes directed <i>American Beauty</i>, but it had more of a gothic/scifi edge to it.
I have to give it up to the message boards here for turning me on to the flick. And on top of it all, Drew Barrymore is in it!
Thanks goodness for DVD.
<img src="http://www.galacticfractures.com/images/other/darko.jpg" align="left">
Then I see a movie like <i>Donnie Darko</i>. HOLY SHIT! How could I have missed this movie? Why am I so lame? This is now one of my favorite flicks. It has humor, a good story, and is remarkably touching. All without spoonfeeding the audience. It is set in the 80s, so its kinda like if John Hughes directed <i>American Beauty</i>, but it had more of a gothic/scifi edge to it.
I have to give it up to the message boards here for turning me on to the flick. And on top of it all, Drew Barrymore is in it!
Thanks goodness for DVD.
i did get the cds although they werent addressed to me so missy and spooky had no idea what they were for until i asked if they received them. thank you so much. medusa is actually alot more funk than i thought she was. i thought she was more hip hop, but great all the same. thank you so much again. and thanks for the cds of your show. its great.
We share the same birthday! And we didn't get to talk long in the chat tonight but I guess it'll happen later? hehe [i'm killjoy kiss]