Wednesday Jan 05, 2005 Jan 5, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email yesterday was the first day since i joined that i didn't check to see whos set went up. i feel like i have so much to catch up on after being away from the internet for 2 days. VIEW 8 of 8 COMMENTS genghiskhan: haaaa...I sadly know the feeling. I need to shake this dependancy I have on this little box I am constanly staring into. Jan 5, 2005 uncommoncold: I hardly ever look at the sets. Is that SG blasphemy? Let's hang out soon. Mario Kart and Jenga XTREME await. They're patient, but I don't know how patient.. Jan 6, 2005
Let's hang out soon. Mario Kart and Jenga XTREME await. They're patient, but I don't know how patient..