yay gawwwds I'm miserable!!!!!!!!!! My darling hubby has buggered off to Egypt, yes Egypt, for a week on a Nile cruise with 2 mates - 2 FEMALE mates. cannot decide whether I'm a saint or laughably naive. Reactions of others upon hearing this news indicate I am probably the latter. lack of mobile reception means I haven't heard from him yet either!!!!!!!! i'm presuming he got there OK. Any SG members around the Aswan area???????????
consequently doing all the running round after both kids on my own (single parents I salute you!!!!!) and I'm totally knackered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So far not been too lonely - last night I had a visit from an old school friend and we ate chinese and talked about random stuff and tonight I am entertaining my brother's girlfriend whilst he is gigging with these guys (my bro is the psychotic looking one 2nd from left)

that'd be Stoke's finest - the mighty Lesbian Bed Death (For those of you who haven't yet done so check them out here:
) in Newcastle tonight.
UPDATE: have just made said girlfriend, the lovely Charlotte (with a hangover and feeling very poorly this morning) puke whilst on the phone to me cos I mentioned popping to supermarket for spitroast chicken for our dinner. whoops.
Got a busy week ahead aswell - start doing some personal tutoring tomorrow to make some extra cash. 16 a time - 3 kids a week for now (possibly more to come) so should be good. Hoping therefore week will go quickly and hubby be back armed with pressies (he better be). I have requested a genuine egyptian belly dancer outfit.
Right, gone to reheat leftovers from aforementioned chinese food. whilst realising this is probably not the best of ideas - i am hungry don't really have much else in way of lunch as sadie is an unstoppable eating machine and is in process of eating contents of fridge and cupboard. good job she's an active child - and eats healthy food just lots of it - otherwise she'd be a chubby little monkey.
consequently doing all the running round after both kids on my own (single parents I salute you!!!!!) and I'm totally knackered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So far not been too lonely - last night I had a visit from an old school friend and we ate chinese and talked about random stuff and tonight I am entertaining my brother's girlfriend whilst he is gigging with these guys (my bro is the psychotic looking one 2nd from left)

that'd be Stoke's finest - the mighty Lesbian Bed Death (For those of you who haven't yet done so check them out here:
) in Newcastle tonight.
UPDATE: have just made said girlfriend, the lovely Charlotte (with a hangover and feeling very poorly this morning) puke whilst on the phone to me cos I mentioned popping to supermarket for spitroast chicken for our dinner. whoops.
Got a busy week ahead aswell - start doing some personal tutoring tomorrow to make some extra cash. 16 a time - 3 kids a week for now (possibly more to come) so should be good. Hoping therefore week will go quickly and hubby be back armed with pressies (he better be). I have requested a genuine egyptian belly dancer outfit.
Right, gone to reheat leftovers from aforementioned chinese food. whilst realising this is probably not the best of ideas - i am hungry don't really have much else in way of lunch as sadie is an unstoppable eating machine and is in process of eating contents of fridge and cupboard. good job she's an active child - and eats healthy food just lots of it - otherwise she'd be a chubby little monkey.

btw , my two toddler boys will for sure bankrupt us later when teens because they are eating machines now, thank goodness they like healthy food, which is actually cheaper than processed shit.
so what do you do?