1) First lets have a big woo-hoo for this lovely lady

This is my sister in law, Lisa (hubby's sister) who told us last weekend that she's pregnant! yay!! I'm going to be an aunty for the first time. To celebrate we all boogied around thier little house in wales and wore some daft wigs whilst drinking plenty wine ( apart from Lisa, who I had to tell off for drinking Red Bull, tssk)

how cool.
2) more stress at work - not been put up onto the next pay point as should happen every september. i'm taking this as further evidence my boss is a prat. i have checked rules and if there is any problem with my teaching that means i should not be paid more then i have to be told in advance and in writing. Turns out I should also probably have been moved up last september as I had been working at the school for over 6 months. I'm gonna check if this is right if so I could be in for a nice bit of back pay and a chnace to stick my fingers up at aforementioned prat. raaaaah. Oh, and chances are I'm gonna have to stay till xmas now. gutted.
3) went out to Cheeky Monkey - the local cheese and alt. night with some girlies from work which was mega!! grumbled all day about going out but had the best time in the end. isn't that always the way??!!
4) TATTOO UPDATE!!! - At last!!! going with 2 friends from work in half term go get inked. so unspeakably excited. now just got work out what exactly I'm having!!
5) incase you were wondering, this is what I look like when I get bored and camwhore in the bath

catch you later, lovely peops
PS Happy birthday for wednesday jennie!!!!

This is my sister in law, Lisa (hubby's sister) who told us last weekend that she's pregnant! yay!! I'm going to be an aunty for the first time. To celebrate we all boogied around thier little house in wales and wore some daft wigs whilst drinking plenty wine ( apart from Lisa, who I had to tell off for drinking Red Bull, tssk)

how cool.
2) more stress at work - not been put up onto the next pay point as should happen every september. i'm taking this as further evidence my boss is a prat. i have checked rules and if there is any problem with my teaching that means i should not be paid more then i have to be told in advance and in writing. Turns out I should also probably have been moved up last september as I had been working at the school for over 6 months. I'm gonna check if this is right if so I could be in for a nice bit of back pay and a chnace to stick my fingers up at aforementioned prat. raaaaah. Oh, and chances are I'm gonna have to stay till xmas now. gutted.
3) went out to Cheeky Monkey - the local cheese and alt. night with some girlies from work which was mega!! grumbled all day about going out but had the best time in the end. isn't that always the way??!!
4) TATTOO UPDATE!!! - At last!!! going with 2 friends from work in half term go get inked. so unspeakably excited. now just got work out what exactly I'm having!!
5) incase you were wondering, this is what I look like when I get bored and camwhore in the bath

catch you later, lovely peops

PS Happy birthday for wednesday jennie!!!!

i been taking pics of myself n the bath too 

well they on my phone so i cant get them onto the computer..