God, it's been so long since I updated!! Sorry dudes and dudettes!
I'm totally gutted cos my phone and PC have had a falling out and I can't get any damn piccies off my phone (and I can't put any piccies from my camera on here cos they're all about a millionKB) so this is going to be rather textual update, I'm afraid.
Been a really busy coupla weeks. I've had no less than 3 interviews with agencies wanting to offer me supply work in primary schools - hurrah!!!! Now all I have to do is hand my notice in at my current place of employment and I'm being a bit stressed about that cos I just know my boss will kick off.
I want to leave at half term which is good cos the fact my eejit of a boss put me on another tempoary contract will come back bite him on the bum - I technically only have to give him one week's notice
but I've stil got to have the stress of him moaning at me for going.
Well, what the hell does he expect?? Ever since I told him I was pregnant with Sophia he's found every reason to be a cock to me and when he's not being a cock he blanks me. Even when i returned from maternity leave he did not say A SINGLE WORD to me. In 7 whole days of being at work before the summer hols he did not speak to me once!!! Now is it just me or is that fucking ruuuuude when you haven't seen a member of your staff for 6 months after she's had a baby???!!!!
It's like, yeah, keep on giving me this shit cos it's really gonna make me wanna hang around this shit tip. grrrrrr
Anyhoo, I'm over it, wish me luck.
In the absence of any photos of me posing (normal service to be resumed fairly quickly - I hope) I've piched this off Libra so you can all get to know me a little bit better
About Me ..
001: Name - Vicky
002. Nickname - Vix, Vixter, Vixi Pixxii
003. Single or taken - taken
004. Zodiac Sign - Capricorn
005. Male or Female- female
006. School: Westacre Infants, St Dominics, Wolvo Grammar, Leeds Uni
007. iPod: nope. I got a Goodmans MP3!!
008. How many buddies on your list: 47 luvvly peops
009. Screenname: Pixxii
010. Hair Color- currently a fading shade of Poppy Red
012. Hair Long or Short - shortish (but needs cutting)
014. Eye Color -blue/green
015. Are you health freak - chhhhhyeah reeeeiiight
016. Height - ickle. 5' ish
017. Do you have a crush on someone - Currently veeerrrrry horny for Brendon from P!ATD. especially in eyeliner.oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh booooyyyyyyy *wibble*. also David Tennat and Cillian Murphy. meow.
018. Do you like yourself - I'm alright, me
019. Braces? - not since I was about 12
020. Think you're awesome? - not especially but my 6 month old daughter does
021. Piercings - Just 2 in each ear.
022. Tattoo - not yet, but open to ideas. Debut ink is not far off
023. Righty or Lefty - Right
024. Surgery -adenoids aged about 5
025. First piercing - ears aged 13
026. First best friend - Katie Drury who went off to live in Troy in Detroit
027. First award - My Red Flash for swimming!
028. First pet - Tabitha (a tabby cat, funnily enough!). A 5th birthday present from my parents
030. First vacation - somewhere cold in Britain. Northumberland, I think
031. First Concert -Hole, Wolverhampton Civic 1994/5???
032. First love - Will Richmond *sigh* . I think I was 13.
033. Movie - Leon
034. Favorite tv show - Silent Witness, Eastenders, anything with Bruce Parry (godlike genius), Love Island
035. Color - black and Pink
036. Music -Indie, raaawwwwk and some 80s cheesey bollox
039. Drink - tea, verrry cold beer, chardonnay
040. Body part not on the face (on a boy/girl)-I love snuggling up to a firm, muscular chest
041. Sport To Play - I don't doooo sport!!!
042. Favorite piece of clothing - My jeans, grey sequin and velvety pumps
043. Brand Of Clothing? - I'm totally Topshop at the moment!!
044. What do you sleep with? -my hubby on one side, little Sophia in her cradle on the other!!
045. Favorite School - Wolverhampton Grammar - best 2 years of my life - keeerrrrazzzzy wonderful teachers, Satre, Shakespeare, Kierkegaard, sex, drugs and rock n roll, baaaaby (the latter 3 not actually IN school, obviously
- except for the odd bit of rock n roll) oh and going to the Dorchester on a Friday (and thursday and saturday)night with 20 and coming home with change!! those were the days....
046. Favorite Animal(s) - cats, although since having children I'm rather less fond!!!
047. Favorite Books - too many to mention but I'm really into thrillers and murrrderrrr
048. Favorite Magazines - anything with celeb gossip (yey, I'm a saddo!) Heat mainly
049. I'm eating - toat and marmalade
050. I'm drinking - coffee from my new tassimo machine!!!
052. I'm about to - have a shower
053. Listening to - panic! at the disco - and dribbling over sexy brendon
055. Waiting For - the motivation to get off my arse and do something
056. Watching - Rudolph the rednose reindeer - sadie has suddenly decided to watch xmas films!!
057. Wearing - puss cat PJs - at 11am!! shame
058. Want to have kids? - been there, done it, 2's enough thank you please.
059. Want to Get Married? - done that too *smug*
060. Careers in Mind: Primary teacher (instead of babysitter for a bunch of kevin the teenagers), novelist, kept woman (yeah, like in my dreams)
068. Lips or Eyes - eyes. I love dark, slightly dangerous eyes.
069. Hugs or Kisses - nothing beats a good cuddle.
070. Shorter or Taller - taller - I love tall men, despite being so ickle myself
072. Romantic, Spontaneous or larma - Romantic. Not sure what Larma is??
073. nice stomach or nice arms - both good. not sure about this one. stomach??
074. Sensitive or Loud - 1/2 and 1/2
075. Hook-up or Relationship - Relationship
076. Sweet or Caring - aren't they part of the same thing??
077. Trouble Maker or Hesitant? - I like a bit of both
078. Kissed a Stranger - Yes
079. Drank bubbles - I've had champagne!!
080. Lost glasses/contacts - nope, but my contacts have an annoying habit of splitting
081. Ran Away From Home - never did it
082. Broken a bone - Sophia broke my Coccyx as she emerged into the world
083. Got an X-ray - Yeah - my wrist after I tried to collapse the garden table and ended up on the floor with my wrist trapped between table leg and floor with me on top. ouchie.
084. Broken Someone's Heart - don't know actually
085. Turned Someone Down - yep
087. Cried When Someone Died - Yes
089. God - I do, actually
090. Miracles - guess so
093. Aliens - i think it's more than likely there's life on other planets!!
094. Magic - hmmm....undecided
095. Heaven -yeah, why not??!!
096. Santa Claus - yeah. it's me.(sorry sadie)
097. Sex on the first date - never did it!! (iron will power and catholic school upbringing!!! killer combo haha!)
098. Kissing on the first date - hell yeah
099. Angels - totally
100. Is There someone You Want To be with right now? - my hunny munch of a hubby but he's at work.
well hope that was enlightening!! I guess I better have a shower. Sadie wants to go to the Wacky Warehouse - again!! but that's cool cos I get an hour of peace with a coffee and my book while she throws herself around a ball pit.
Pwooomise I won't leave it so long next time!!
I'm totally gutted cos my phone and PC have had a falling out and I can't get any damn piccies off my phone (and I can't put any piccies from my camera on here cos they're all about a millionKB) so this is going to be rather textual update, I'm afraid.
Been a really busy coupla weeks. I've had no less than 3 interviews with agencies wanting to offer me supply work in primary schools - hurrah!!!! Now all I have to do is hand my notice in at my current place of employment and I'm being a bit stressed about that cos I just know my boss will kick off.
I want to leave at half term which is good cos the fact my eejit of a boss put me on another tempoary contract will come back bite him on the bum - I technically only have to give him one week's notice

Well, what the hell does he expect?? Ever since I told him I was pregnant with Sophia he's found every reason to be a cock to me and when he's not being a cock he blanks me. Even when i returned from maternity leave he did not say A SINGLE WORD to me. In 7 whole days of being at work before the summer hols he did not speak to me once!!! Now is it just me or is that fucking ruuuuude when you haven't seen a member of your staff for 6 months after she's had a baby???!!!!

Anyhoo, I'm over it, wish me luck.
In the absence of any photos of me posing (normal service to be resumed fairly quickly - I hope) I've piched this off Libra so you can all get to know me a little bit better

About Me ..
001: Name - Vicky
002. Nickname - Vix, Vixter, Vixi Pixxii
003. Single or taken - taken
004. Zodiac Sign - Capricorn
005. Male or Female- female
006. School: Westacre Infants, St Dominics, Wolvo Grammar, Leeds Uni
007. iPod: nope. I got a Goodmans MP3!!
008. How many buddies on your list: 47 luvvly peops
009. Screenname: Pixxii
010. Hair Color- currently a fading shade of Poppy Red
012. Hair Long or Short - shortish (but needs cutting)
014. Eye Color -blue/green
015. Are you health freak - chhhhhyeah reeeeiiight
016. Height - ickle. 5' ish
017. Do you have a crush on someone - Currently veeerrrrry horny for Brendon from P!ATD. especially in eyeliner.oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh booooyyyyyyy *wibble*. also David Tennat and Cillian Murphy. meow.

018. Do you like yourself - I'm alright, me
019. Braces? - not since I was about 12
020. Think you're awesome? - not especially but my 6 month old daughter does

021. Piercings - Just 2 in each ear.
022. Tattoo - not yet, but open to ideas. Debut ink is not far off
023. Righty or Lefty - Right
024. Surgery -adenoids aged about 5
025. First piercing - ears aged 13
026. First best friend - Katie Drury who went off to live in Troy in Detroit
027. First award - My Red Flash for swimming!
028. First pet - Tabitha (a tabby cat, funnily enough!). A 5th birthday present from my parents
030. First vacation - somewhere cold in Britain. Northumberland, I think
031. First Concert -Hole, Wolverhampton Civic 1994/5???
032. First love - Will Richmond *sigh* . I think I was 13.
033. Movie - Leon
034. Favorite tv show - Silent Witness, Eastenders, anything with Bruce Parry (godlike genius), Love Island
035. Color - black and Pink
036. Music -Indie, raaawwwwk and some 80s cheesey bollox
039. Drink - tea, verrry cold beer, chardonnay
040. Body part not on the face (on a boy/girl)-I love snuggling up to a firm, muscular chest

041. Sport To Play - I don't doooo sport!!!
042. Favorite piece of clothing - My jeans, grey sequin and velvety pumps
043. Brand Of Clothing? - I'm totally Topshop at the moment!!
044. What do you sleep with? -my hubby on one side, little Sophia in her cradle on the other!!
045. Favorite School - Wolverhampton Grammar - best 2 years of my life - keeerrrrazzzzy wonderful teachers, Satre, Shakespeare, Kierkegaard, sex, drugs and rock n roll, baaaaby (the latter 3 not actually IN school, obviously

046. Favorite Animal(s) - cats, although since having children I'm rather less fond!!!
047. Favorite Books - too many to mention but I'm really into thrillers and murrrderrrr
048. Favorite Magazines - anything with celeb gossip (yey, I'm a saddo!) Heat mainly
049. I'm eating - toat and marmalade
050. I'm drinking - coffee from my new tassimo machine!!!
052. I'm about to - have a shower
053. Listening to - panic! at the disco - and dribbling over sexy brendon
055. Waiting For - the motivation to get off my arse and do something
056. Watching - Rudolph the rednose reindeer - sadie has suddenly decided to watch xmas films!!
057. Wearing - puss cat PJs - at 11am!! shame
058. Want to have kids? - been there, done it, 2's enough thank you please.
059. Want to Get Married? - done that too *smug*
060. Careers in Mind: Primary teacher (instead of babysitter for a bunch of kevin the teenagers), novelist, kept woman (yeah, like in my dreams)
068. Lips or Eyes - eyes. I love dark, slightly dangerous eyes.
069. Hugs or Kisses - nothing beats a good cuddle.
070. Shorter or Taller - taller - I love tall men, despite being so ickle myself
072. Romantic, Spontaneous or larma - Romantic. Not sure what Larma is??
073. nice stomach or nice arms - both good. not sure about this one. stomach??
074. Sensitive or Loud - 1/2 and 1/2
075. Hook-up or Relationship - Relationship
076. Sweet or Caring - aren't they part of the same thing??
077. Trouble Maker or Hesitant? - I like a bit of both

078. Kissed a Stranger - Yes
079. Drank bubbles - I've had champagne!!
080. Lost glasses/contacts - nope, but my contacts have an annoying habit of splitting
081. Ran Away From Home - never did it
082. Broken a bone - Sophia broke my Coccyx as she emerged into the world
083. Got an X-ray - Yeah - my wrist after I tried to collapse the garden table and ended up on the floor with my wrist trapped between table leg and floor with me on top. ouchie.
084. Broken Someone's Heart - don't know actually
085. Turned Someone Down - yep
087. Cried When Someone Died - Yes
089. God - I do, actually
090. Miracles - guess so
093. Aliens - i think it's more than likely there's life on other planets!!
094. Magic - hmmm....undecided
095. Heaven -yeah, why not??!!
096. Santa Claus - yeah. it's me.(sorry sadie)
097. Sex on the first date - never did it!! (iron will power and catholic school upbringing!!! killer combo haha!)
098. Kissing on the first date - hell yeah
099. Angels - totally
100. Is There someone You Want To be with right now? - my hunny munch of a hubby but he's at work.
well hope that was enlightening!! I guess I better have a shower. Sadie wants to go to the Wacky Warehouse - again!! but that's cool cos I get an hour of peace with a coffee and my book while she throws herself around a ball pit.

Pwooomise I won't leave it so long next time!!

if we catch 'em at it with our cctv, i'll gladly send you the tape