Oh do I feel like shit today! I think I kinda blacked out last night. Don't you hate waking up not knowing what the fuck happened for the last couple of hours? Then I discovered that I lost my phone. When I got home this morning I got a call from my sisters boyfriend: "I found a cell phone last night, you wanna buy it?" For some reason my friend Matt ended up with it in his pocket. I wasn't around when he found it, so he just gave it to Jason. I was so happy, I'm way too broke right now to be spending money on a new phone. He cracks me up (my sisters boyfriend), he just got a cell phone and now he thinks he's in the matrix. Slowly things from last night are coming back to me. The things you say when your drunk... why can't I ever just shut up! Whatever, who cares, I was drunk- and I take no responsibility for anything I do when I'm drunk. I am starving! Time to go make breakfast. XOXO
OK, some things from last night are coming back to me. I remember making out with some chick at the bar, which is not normal for me. I have discovered a hicky on my neck! Why? I mean I remember hooking up with one of my friends last night, but why would he give me a hicky? He's never done it before, why did he have to start now? I still don't know how I ended up at his house. It's funny cause I remeber talking to him for a long time last night, but I can't remember what we talked about. Maybe I shouldn't drink so much- no that's stupid.
OK, some things from last night are coming back to me. I remember making out with some chick at the bar, which is not normal for me. I have discovered a hicky on my neck! Why? I mean I remember hooking up with one of my friends last night, but why would he give me a hicky? He's never done it before, why did he have to start now? I still don't know how I ended up at his house. It's funny cause I remeber talking to him for a long time last night, but I can't remember what we talked about. Maybe I shouldn't drink so much- no that's stupid.
Hope your drunk ass had fun in OB tonight.
hi there, drinking can be fun fun fun but strange when you can't remember what the fuck you did the night before! And.. yep.. it loosens my mouth a bit too much too. geez