Today we did 80's make up in class. It was so much fun! My childhood all over again. It's a little scary seeing all the pictures and realizing people wore it all the time. And remembering how my mom looked back then. In 20 years will people be looking back at us and saying the same thing? I'm not really sure if we have a defined enough over all style... Everyone kinda does their own thing. But i might be too much in it to see. oh the fun... on Monday we start out of kits effects. I'm so excited! I'm sure it will just be little things to start like bruises but still fun. I can't wait to start freaking people out on the streets. I was getting pretty weird looks on the way home in my 80's make up. People are so funny....
i bet we'll all look back at ourselves and be thinking "holy shitballs" what was i wearing..i do that sometimes now even haha.