Great weekend...maybe I'll put up some details later today...but I got's to go to the dentist now...
Ran 4 miles at the park...nice day and good run...
Came back and ate a little and took a nice nap....
Got up from the nap and went and got a massage...
Came back from massage and cleaned around the house...
Decided to make some deviled eggs b/c:
1. I have had a craving for them and
2. Have a friend coming over Sunday and wanted to make a test run with them to see if they would turn out ok..
In the middle of making (more like the start) I get a phone call from RattFinkPink inviting me over to eat b/c her husband was making some great pasta sauce that he had not made in a while.... So now I get to test my deviled eggs out on others as I finish making my eggs and head over...
We watch an old school kung fu flick "sleeping fist" while eating a great meal...and they liked my eggs to...even though I did not have enough time to properly chill them...
Also watched Blade III with them...about the 5th time I've seen it, but I can watch movies I like over and over...
Got up and cleaned some more around the house...
Went to the grocery store to get some food for the weekend...I spent $62 bucks...which is the most I've spent at one shot in a long while...I normally go to the store about every other day so I normally spend like $9 or $14 or something like that...but I was getting food to feed more than just myself....
Took a nap and then did my punching bag workout....
Spent the rest of the day just chilling out waiting for a girl to come over...I'm always meeting people on the internet...never under other circumstances...wave of the future I guess...
She gets there late afternoon and we hang out watch some TV and talk...
I made some tacos for dinner and then we watched "House of Flying Daggers"...not bad...less action than I would have thought but still a good movie...
She stayed the night...but that was the plan...she was coming from about 3hrs away...
Got up early and made preps for my friend coming over to go to a baseball game...we've been friends for about 13yrs now and he only lives like 45min away and we hardly ever get to see each other...he has a wife and 2 kids...
He gets there about noon with his 2 little girls (wife hates baseball and agreed to stay home and cut the grass if he took the kids) and we have a nice lunch...mac and cheese and hot dogs with some fresh veggies and dip.... Nice Sunday lunch type food...
So then off to the Suns game...local single A team here in Hagerstown...I'm not much for baseball, but Mark loves it and it gives us an excuse to hang out...sometimes you have to take one for the team...
Shortly before we leave the game (no we did not stay for the whole thing...Mark has 2 small kids...they are not going to sit for 3 hrs to watch a boring ass baseball game) we are under a pavilion (me and above mentioned girl) and a foul ball comes flying in from the side and hits her in the leg...she said after that just moments before she was thinking she was safe under here...freaky...I was standing right there and saw the ball fly in (about 6inches from my came in at an odd angle) and I did not even know it hit her until she said was just that fast...
So we leave the game around the 7th and on the way to the van...they hit a foul ball and it misses her by about 10 or 15 feet...that was her first baseball game ever...I don't think she will be going back...
So we head back to house and Mark heads back home...
Hang out with girly until about 5pm and she takes an hour nap and then heads out for home...she says she had a good time and would like to come back when next our schedules by me...
After she leaves I go out for my 4mile for the day...I have like a 60 day streak of working out...can't drop the ball on that one...
It was a great was sprinkling slightly and the sun was shinning...only bad thing was I had to stop after the 1st mile and poo...when nature calls ... you listen or else....
Got back home ate a little something and went to bed at about 8:41pm...I was pooped...
Got up at like 10pm to use bathroom and went down to look at computer...girly had made it home safely and was online...talked for a bit and then back to bed...
Too bad she is so far away...she would be good dating potential...but "friends" ain't that bad either...
So now you have details...way too many...
Ran 4 miles at the park...nice day and good run...
Came back and ate a little and took a nice nap....
Got up from the nap and went and got a massage...
Came back from massage and cleaned around the house...
Decided to make some deviled eggs b/c:
1. I have had a craving for them and
2. Have a friend coming over Sunday and wanted to make a test run with them to see if they would turn out ok..
In the middle of making (more like the start) I get a phone call from RattFinkPink inviting me over to eat b/c her husband was making some great pasta sauce that he had not made in a while.... So now I get to test my deviled eggs out on others as I finish making my eggs and head over...
We watch an old school kung fu flick "sleeping fist" while eating a great meal...and they liked my eggs to...even though I did not have enough time to properly chill them...
Also watched Blade III with them...about the 5th time I've seen it, but I can watch movies I like over and over...
Got up and cleaned some more around the house...
Went to the grocery store to get some food for the weekend...I spent $62 bucks...which is the most I've spent at one shot in a long while...I normally go to the store about every other day so I normally spend like $9 or $14 or something like that...but I was getting food to feed more than just myself....
Took a nap and then did my punching bag workout....
Spent the rest of the day just chilling out waiting for a girl to come over...I'm always meeting people on the internet...never under other circumstances...wave of the future I guess...
She gets there late afternoon and we hang out watch some TV and talk...
I made some tacos for dinner and then we watched "House of Flying Daggers"...not bad...less action than I would have thought but still a good movie...
She stayed the night...but that was the plan...she was coming from about 3hrs away...
Got up early and made preps for my friend coming over to go to a baseball game...we've been friends for about 13yrs now and he only lives like 45min away and we hardly ever get to see each other...he has a wife and 2 kids...
He gets there about noon with his 2 little girls (wife hates baseball and agreed to stay home and cut the grass if he took the kids) and we have a nice lunch...mac and cheese and hot dogs with some fresh veggies and dip.... Nice Sunday lunch type food...
So then off to the Suns game...local single A team here in Hagerstown...I'm not much for baseball, but Mark loves it and it gives us an excuse to hang out...sometimes you have to take one for the team...
Shortly before we leave the game (no we did not stay for the whole thing...Mark has 2 small kids...they are not going to sit for 3 hrs to watch a boring ass baseball game) we are under a pavilion (me and above mentioned girl) and a foul ball comes flying in from the side and hits her in the leg...she said after that just moments before she was thinking she was safe under here...freaky...I was standing right there and saw the ball fly in (about 6inches from my came in at an odd angle) and I did not even know it hit her until she said was just that fast...
So we leave the game around the 7th and on the way to the van...they hit a foul ball and it misses her by about 10 or 15 feet...that was her first baseball game ever...I don't think she will be going back...
So we head back to house and Mark heads back home...
Hang out with girly until about 5pm and she takes an hour nap and then heads out for home...she says she had a good time and would like to come back when next our schedules by me...
After she leaves I go out for my 4mile for the day...I have like a 60 day streak of working out...can't drop the ball on that one...
It was a great was sprinkling slightly and the sun was shinning...only bad thing was I had to stop after the 1st mile and poo...when nature calls ... you listen or else....
Got back home ate a little something and went to bed at about 8:41pm...I was pooped...
Got up at like 10pm to use bathroom and went down to look at computer...girly had made it home safely and was online...talked for a bit and then back to bed...
Too bad she is so far away...she would be good dating potential...but "friends" ain't that bad either...

So now you have details...way too many...
You left out some of the best details!
No....I am pretty much the only one...aside from Vandilous.....we stick out like sore thumbs and get stared at a lot....the activities of last weekend took place in Florida where freaks are a little more accepted! lol