for the most part people don't think..
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Friday Feb 17, 2006
I remember a time when states did not have 2 letter abbreviations... … -
Wednesday Feb 15, 2006
I'm just about sick of painting... I am putting new carpet in up stai… -
Monday Feb 13, 2006
I have decided to start waving at anyone else on the road driving a V… -
Saturday Feb 11, 2006
Were you to ask yourself this question: "What percent of the popul… -
Friday Feb 10, 2006
When you learn something new it is truly a moment...I don't mean when… -
Tuesday Jan 31, 2006
so I will be getting my braces off soon...I have an appt in 3 weeks a… -
Monday Jan 30, 2006
no matter how often I wash dishes...there are always more the next da… -
Sunday Jan 15, 2006
I have taken showers in cheap hotels, mid-ranged hotels and expensive… -
Friday Jan 13, 2006
I think all the things other people say...the normal stuff...but most… -
Saturday Dec 31, 2005
What about feeling? Do you worry about that too? I don't just mean, "I feel hungry." I'm talking about the big ones - spiritual experience, walking on air after a kiss, knowing you are loved when you sit down for a holiday meal with your family and really feeling it.
Over the past twenty-some years researchers at Princeton's PEAR lab have proven that our thoughts, our consciousness, has an effect on random events. Thinking is vitally important. Not just being socially or politically conscious, but conscious of yourself and how you want to live. Your thoughts create your reality - in truth. We've known this anecdotally through the experiences of say, cancer patients. Those who keep a positive outlook and good humor tend to survive it better (stay in remission longer - beat the sucker entirely) than those who resign themselves to the inevitability of death. But now it has been proven scientifically that by concentrating, a person can affect the otherwise random decay of a radioactive isotope.
Anyway, that's what I've been thinking about lately - how 'bout you?