Omg!!! My last day was on thursday (at school) and my leavers ball was last night and they were both so amazing
Lets start with the last day - we all had t shirts made which was cool, we filled the whole school with ballons and men made out of balloons in boiler suits which was amusing. Then at some point we did a conga down to our local tescos (which is like a 5 minute walk) conga'd round the roundabout causing absolute chaos and then conga'd round tescos and managed to get the entire store to a standstill
Then we had a lunch with our teachers which was really sad and we all cried lol. And then went for drinks to console ourselves
So that was good.
Then!! Last night-the ball. It was the most amazing night. Everyone looked so gorgeous. And there was a chocolate fountain!!!!!! That was a pretty big highlight
Everything was just so perfect-there was a band that were so great-played loadsa rock music so there was much moshing and crowd surfing
It was just very very amazing-and pictures soon I promise.
Sorry this is so long!! Mwah

Lets start with the last day - we all had t shirts made which was cool, we filled the whole school with ballons and men made out of balloons in boiler suits which was amusing. Then at some point we did a conga down to our local tescos (which is like a 5 minute walk) conga'd round the roundabout causing absolute chaos and then conga'd round tescos and managed to get the entire store to a standstill

Then!! Last night-the ball. It was the most amazing night. Everyone looked so gorgeous. And there was a chocolate fountain!!!!!! That was a pretty big highlight

Sorry this is so long!! Mwah

Awesome...when I left school we got sod all. Some of my 6th form arranged a leaver's do, but it wasn't my kinda thing so I went to a gig that night instead. Meh...
thank you pixie darling!!!