I have been back at work for less than a month and I want a holiday already. This does not bode well for this year. On the plus side, payday tomorrow! I''m sure there are many pretties I desperately need to be buying..... smile
Hope your second month has been a little easier! smile
happy happy happy happy birthday to you !!!kisskisskisskisskisskisskiss
So very rubbish at staying around on here. Must be better! That said, I have very little to update, except I hate my new job and it's sucking the life and soul out of me! I so miss being at uni - doing what I wanted, almost when I wanted, being completely independent, completely me. Now I just feel as though I do nothing but...
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My internet is so painfully slow that I may throw it through the window soon. I've been blaming the snow for the last week or so but now it's all gone I think I may just have to face up to the fact that my interenet is useless. However, in the brief five minutes or so that it's working I though I'd make the most...
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Enjoy your new Wii and don't be nervous about new job. Happy New Year
I have decided to give myself an early christmas present of pretty naked ladies and renew my account here smile
glad to have you back
looking forward to xmas?
It truly is the gift that keeps on giving.
Too many days in a row at work is killing me. I just want to catch up on all the things I seem to be too tired to do when I'm working. Howver my pretty coat arrived and is pretty and fits and is lovelly and all is shiny smile
And we all need to enjoy those shiny moments we do have in our lives
winkblushkisskisskisskisskisshugs to you magic girl!!
I have just bought the most lovely coat.

Prettiness lies beneath

I now just have to wait for it to arrive. I'm not very good at patience, but as I trailed most of London looking to buy a new coat yesterday and failed miserabley, I suppose I should just be grateful I've found such a pretty one.

In other news, I went out on Thurs...
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Today has mostly been full of really cool french guests staying in the hotel I work in. It's been ages since I've spoken so much french and it was such a nice feeling. Makes me homesick for Paris though. So in order to cheer myself up I've been making chocolate cupcakes all evening. Much better smile

I think that's all the excitement in my life atm,...
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I don't know who reactivated my account for me, but whoever you are, I am so eternally grateful love
Welcome back smile
Scratches and bruises really are the best way to know you've had a good night smile

That is all for now.
Ooh what kinky activities have you been up to??
Great choice for highlight - just beating 'the final countdown', of course tongue