God-&(*&^-dammit! Well... I was right on the border of scoring with this guy that, I'm sorry, could put most of the male gender to shame, he was so f*&*ing hot... and totally into me, and my friend's had one too many and despite my best efforts and then some, goes home with someone other than me. So it's 5:45 in the morning, I've spent most of the night trying to find my probably-dead-in-a-ditch friend, who's probably really spending the night with some hot guy and has forgotten about me. Would I know??? No, of course not.
Goddammit. I'm gonna have to identify her body at the morgue tomorrow. If I DON'T, then she's going to have hell to pay.
on the inside, at least.
would most DEFINITELY look better crumpled up next to my bed though.
well, maybe not. it might be kinda hot if you left it ON. heh heh.
okay, I'm done. sorry. <./end fantasy> it's 6:59 am, and I haven't slept all night. forgive me.